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Queen, Bobby
Queen, Charles
Queen, David Neal
Queen, Eleanor
Queen, Franklin R.
Queen, Jackie (Jack)
Queen, Jean
Queen, Jimmy
Queen, Joann Bailey
Queen, Leon
Queen, Lois Dean
Queen, Lynn Studdard
Queen, Mary Nelle
Queen, Roxie (Nan)
Queen, Steven Tony
Queen, Terry
Queen, Virginia
Quick, Jean
Ragan, Faye
Raiford, Faye
Ramey, Betty Jean
Ramey, Kathy
Ramey, Lawanda
Rappaport, Rita "Lynn" Nash
Ravita, John
Read, Claire
Reagin, Donald
Redding, Levon W.
Redmond, JoAnn
Redmond Sr., Jimmy
Reed, Robert Larry
Reeder, Barbara Marks
Reeves, Charles Wayne
Reeves, Ronald Alan
Reeves, Timothy
Reger, Michael Joseph
Reichart, Judy
Reichart, Robert
Reichert, Fran
Reinagel, Ed
Renew, Robert
Reynolds, Sue
Richardson, Edna
Richardson, Grace
Richardson, John "Buddy"
Richardson, Kathy
Richardson, Lucille
Richardson, Thomas M. "Mell"
Richardson, Vernon
Richardson, William
Rivers, Jim
Roberts, Alma Rebecca
Roberts, Arnie
Roberts, Charles
Roberts, Elizabeth Wilkie
Roberts, Faye J.
Roberts, Frances Hazel
Roberts, Francis "Brother"
Roberts, James Malcom
Roberts, Lee
Roberts, Louise
Roberts, Mary Zerline
Roberts, Mildred
Roberts, Tom
Roberts, Tommy
Roberts, Tommy
Roberts, Sr., Roy Nunnally
Robertson, Frances
Robertson, June Carr
Robertson, Luke
Robertson, Neal
Robertson, Thomas
Robinson, Brenda Sorrow
Robinson, Della
Robinson, Jerry
Robinson, Johnie "Robbie"
Robinson, Stephen
Robison, Beth
Robison, Bettye Lee
Robison, Bobbie Hester Broach
Robison, James Richard (Ricky)
Robison, John Truman
Robison, Nanette
Rodriguez, Bernardina
Rodriguez, Francisco "Frankie"
Rodriguez, Martha Sue
Rodriguez, Sheila
Rogers, Chris (Bird)
Rooker, Rodney "Rod"
Rooks, Randell Gene
Roper, Doris Farmer
Rosenthal, Bob
Rowe, Bertha Shirley
Rowe, Joyce C.
Rowe, Mary
Rowe, Ronald
Rowe, Ronnie
Rowe, Sara
Rowe, Sara B.
Rowland, Geneva
Rowland, Ronald William
Rowland, Virginia Ruth
Rowlett, Dale
Royster, Frances
Royster, Janice
Ruark, Barbara
Ruark, Patricia
Ruark, Rhonda
Ruark, Roy
Ruark, Steve
Ruchti, Brody
Ruff, Virginia
Rush, Victoria
Russell, Christi Murphy
Russell, Eva
Rutherford, Cathy
Rutledge, Ken
Rylee, Kathy