One week ago, we were outside with the boys and their father received a call that would forever change the rest of our lives.. I will never forget how Chris answered your phone calls that’s how I knew it was you calling “ what up big dawg” .. I miss coming downstairs and you randomly popping out of the kitchen with your glass of tea.. all the times you would come over after work with Chris to raid the fridge from the leftovers the night before for lunch if he didn’t take egg salad. I miss you getting on the iPad with Cade and making animal sounds while he was playing his games .. you were a little too good at some of them. Who is going to help Chris fix all the stuff around here y’all hadn’t gotten to yet?! .. Today it’s been one week since the man I love lost his best friend ..his brother.. and the boys their coolest uncle. You had the biggest spirit about you, always kind , always willing to help, you carried so much light even though some of your darkest times. We miss you so much Kyle. Please watch over your mama and my boys (all 3 of them) God bless you Kyle and until we meet again.
So sorry for your loss.
Dennis and Kim Little