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Guestbook for Frances Jean Erwin

Friends & Relatives

I knew Frances and Kenneth many years ago when we lived in Georgia, but then we moved several times with Allen's company and I lost track of them. Tried to search for them on the internet but now I realize that I should have searched harder. I regret that I couldn't find her to say goodbye. She was one of those friends that is always there in your heart though. Looks like her life was happy in her final years, living on a horse farm -- how perfect - we all loved animals. God Bless you Frances. May your soul find peace and happiness from here until eternity.

Mary Frances Davis Wehunt

I’m truly sad for the family’s loss ! Never the less, I am very happy and excited to reunite with the family that I have missed for years. LOVE ALWAYS, Aaron Wehunt

Aaron Todd Wehunt

I am so very sorry to hear of this loss for the Erwin family. It was our pleasure to have reconnected with you in the recent years meeting at favorite restaurants. I know she will be greatly missed. We’re sending prayers for comfort for her family.

Michael and Susan Scott Tant

My husband, Gordon, and Dave worked together many years ago and have remained friends all these years. Frances and Dave lived next door to my sister and her husband in Dunwoody when Gordon and Dave started working together. Sheri and my niece were very small and were friends.
My husband also had dementia and he and Dave would talk frequently and it meant so much to Gordon to have a friend to take the time to talk with him. It was evident
Dave took such great care of Frances and they truly loved each other for those 68 years in the conversations they had.
I’ll be praying for you and your family, Dave. Frances is at peace
now. You will miss her so much as I do Gordon! My heart goes out to you, Dave.

Patricia McDaniel

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